Friday, August 14, 2009

I juST dont understand.

1 comment:

Lisa Emrich said...

Hi Lindi,
I came over from your Twitter profile. Good thing because I was unaware of your blog.

In answer to your questions: I have never used Betaseron, only Copaxone (since 2005). I have RRMS.

Is it possible that Betaseron might be possible in your husband's change of emotions? Perhaps.

Is it difficult coming to terms with having MS? Absolutely.

I also have RA and can understand how dealing with his new chronic illness might be difficult at times for you, too.

There are a few spouse/caregivers who blog. Perhaps you would enjoy getting in touch with Tricia at

Her husband is more advanced than yours (judging by reading here) and so she deals with different issues. But I think that you both would connect on several levels.

If there's anything else I can help you with, please don't hesitate.
